Abruzzo, or “Abruzzi” according to old, is a special region in many ways.
First is called “the green area of Europe” for the highest percentage of land protected by Parks and Reserves (even as much as 33% of the territory is bound, the highest percentage in Europe).
Second, the high mountains, including the three highest peaks of the Apennines and the perennial glacier most southern of Europe, are very close to the sea that in some seasons you can go for a swim in the morning and afternoon, in just 45 minutes, go skiing in the mountains! Although this factor has contributed to its rich biodiversity (one of the major in Europe), being able to vary from landscapes of the coast, with palm trees and Mediterranean vegetation, to the high mountain, with alpine stars and glacial relicts like the “Mugo” pine or rare animals.
Even from a geomorphological point of view the territory manifests deep diversity. Consequently, the mountains are very different from them, as well as ancient villages built by the man which, using materials found on site, greatly changes its architecture and building styles within a few minutes. In just a short time everything is different: nature, villages, traditions and customs, ancient economic activities.
Another prerogative of the area is the extreme preservation and attachment to its own traditions and rituals of the people who live “separated” from the various valleys, along the coast or in the villages at high altitudes, thanks to the pastoral economy that pushed the economy and the wealth on top since the Middle Ages … . Even today in some areas seems to live life scenes or ancestral rites medieval, almost always actually of pagan origin and pre-Roman times. The people of Abruzzo, notoriously conservative and obstinate pride, jealously preserve and perpetuate their traditions not for touristic re-enactments … but as they feel those deep inside.
You will realize that the beauty of this region lies not only in its monuments, in its particularly wild and varied nature, in the exceptional biodiversity of flora and fauna, but especially in the way in which traditions, customs, ways of life, ancient cultures and religious rites were preserved.

Your hosts are the de Pompeis family, which has a long and proud history in Abruzzo. We are deeply involved in local culture and with care we have managed this farmstay for over thirty years, as part of the family estate.
We are delighted to assist our guests with their itineraries, arrange for guides and advise on local cultural and naturalistic itineraries, in addition to restaurants, sports activities, local artisan and folklore traditional festivals.

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